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Because We Deserve BETTER

Our Mission

Humanity's fully

realized potential

It's time to stop waiting for education to be fixed by lawmakers.
It's time to join together to build a better way ourselves.
The technology exists, together we can build a BETTER way...
Better education for all
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Better than crippling student debt

US students are $1.3 Trillion in debt. That's $29,000 per student and it grows every year. 

It's time education became a right, not a privilege. 

Student debt, community of learners
Reduce large class sizes, Fix standardized learning

Better than standardized learning

Learning is a personal journey of discovery and exploration.

It's time to teach the individual, not the group. 

Better than inadequate preparation

Technology is automating jobs and making human labor obsolete. Today's students will build their own companies, work creatively, and carve their own path. 

It's time we start educating for the future.

Student in debt, Protesting student debt
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